Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hello October! Where's Autumn?

 I know the world is in shambles right now. I know. Believe me I know. I understand. I am... just not able to discuss any of it. I don't want to. I don't have a grip on my personal shit, I've been walking a line the width and tensile strength of dental floss far too long to have any discussion of bigger picture events.

So, pardon me if I keep this a bigger events free zone and paste on the fakey grin and just let the words roll okay.


Which, if you live on the American Gulf Coast, you know means exactly Jack Shit. October is a fall month, it was 90 degrees and hot as crap today. Which leads me to say something about that other Jack that makes an appearance this time of year, that nice Irish fella O' Lantern... yeah it's way to early for him here. You can not carve pumpkins right now, unless you want to watch one roast in real time and shrivel up like some toothless orange demon. Yeah, not a good look. And honestly, I don't have the spoons to drag the Halloween decorations out of the garage right now, so if the two offspring still living at home won't do it, then it doesn't get done this year.

Which is a damn shame.

But I did change the wallpaper up in the banner here, what do you think... cooked it myself, letters and all.

Okay, I didn't design the image. I have a subscription to Creative Fabrica and found an image I like and Plugged it into a banner template at Canva and added some Canva text because I can't figure out how to use the fonts the Creative Fabrica has and, well.... 


So, what books do I have that are set in Spooky Month?





You know what, I don't even know.

Shift in Time maybe, but I think some of it falls in November. I think Light from the Dark is set in November. Falling Back might start in October but it's set around the time change in November. Blues is set in November. River's Edge is a spooky story, but set in November. Uh... Into the Gloaming starts the day after Halloween and goes through January. The QB Connection might be, but I don't remember much about it to be honest. Under a Crescent Moon takes place over the course of a year, but I can't remember which month it started. Beyond Complicated starts in October, I think. The 51st Thursday... Except for the ending and epilogue, it takes place around Halloween.

And I think that's it. The rest are summer and a couple winter books with a smattering of spring.

Or should I say, Winter and Spring with a smattering of summer. Hell, I don't know. I wrote most of those books more than a decade ago. I don't think about them. Honestly, I don't want to think about them. I just... 


I think I view everything as something I did in a previous life now. I can't explain it. I'm not the same person I was when I wrote most of my stories. I'm a completely different person now. And I don't say that as a positive thing, because I know it's not been a positive change in me.

I'm trying so hard, but I can't even muster a shred of enthusiasm for the holiday right now. I've been drowning so very long that I wouldn't know how to just tread water. 

Yes, I'm typing this from a place absolute pain.. Pain that I can't discuss even if I wanted to. Pain that... well, it is what it is, and it's not in my power to change it, so I just... grin and pretend and that's about the best I have.

That said, and I know by speaking this to the world, that I'm jinxing it, but the plan for October is to resume sharing the old books every day. Maybe I'll talk about the history of writing them. We'll see. 

But for today, the first day of Spooky Month, let's just take a moment of silence for the world at large and hope for a better future.

And as always~~



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