Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Chasing my Tail

 Ugh.... why does it always seem like I'm behind? Because I'm always behind. If I had just me to worry about it would... probably be the same... but... it might be mid-June and school is out, but we've just hit the hurry up and get stuff done for college stage.

Aubrey is behind on their shots. My fault, with help from the pandemic. We put off a set in 2019 because we could. We'd planned that set for summer 2020. Well, that didn't help any. The doctor's office closed. Like completely closed. They were only taking emergency appointments but otherwise there was never anyone there. I decided it wouldn't matter much if we waited another year. We had most of it done. Just the final two sets and maybe a booster series to go. 

Well, four years later and we're missing three required shots and they have to have them by orientation. Now we're trying to find a place to get them caught up and there are no appointments to be had. BANGS HEAD!

Orientation is the end of July. Like... okay... we just got out... but okay. Classes start in late August, so they still have two full months left. We're good. School supplies are going up in stores now. SIGHS!

It's still not even the summer solstice, and I'm already wishing it was fall.

There's more, but, well, that's not for public consumption. There's always more happening behind the scenes that I will never speak of. As it should be. Unless I'm in a very weak moment, I don't talk about the private stuff.

Anyway... I just had the biggest flash of deja vu. Like I've typed this all before. On this blog. Weird.

What's up with me? Beyond the normal crap... not much. I started making jewelry again. As if I have a place to list them when I'm done. I'm trying to get a lot up on Ebay so I can pay my bills. And I'm slowly getting books listed on Draft 2 Digital to get to places I can't reach, and Smashwords. Same with Barnes & Noble. I mean, I pulled everything off Barnes & Noble late last year after I finally reached the pay threshold after more than a year. I still see no real reason to be there, but, well, may as well, if I'm putting everything as wide as possible then yeah, may as well, but you'll notice I'm not busting my ass to get it done there.

Speaking of D2D, the 11 titles I had in the pending phase from May 22 and 23 finally published last week. Still no idea why it took so long. I know they're doing a migration from Smashwords to direct from them. I guess that's why. Which makes me wonder if they're shutting the Smashwords uploader down completely, and how that will work for the taboo books that only SW allows. If you weren't aware, D2D acquired Smashwords a few years ago. They made it clear that D2D would not allow the taboo or extreme erotic books on their site but would not disallow them on Smashwords. I'm just, well, I don't have the twin book on Smashwords anyway due to formatting issues.

Speaking of formatting issues. After years, Beyond Complicated has also been flagged for formatting issues on D2D. I've had no problems with it on any other site. And that's what they said the issue was, that it's failing the formatting check. 

So, I need to do a refresh of it anyway, kinda tired of looking at that cover. I can't afford a new cover and I can't afford to renew my Word subscription, so this could take some time, but I'm going to refresh it, with new cover and blah blah blah... you've heard it before. Does it matter? Really? It's the only book that currently sells anything on Amazon. It never sells on Kobo or Apple. What does it really matter???

I don't know. I really don't. I'm struggling with all of this so so much. 

Write new books... they say... I wrote new books... crickets. Just complete crickets.

I should write monster porn under a new name. Would that work?

Just pondering... tentacle knotting... hmmmm... I mean, I could... I just don't know if I want to. I'd seriously need a new pen name to go with... Something like Agatha Thornebush... hell if I am creative enough to figure out monster porn.

So anyway, that's me, all caught up.

Hoping you're having a decent Tuesday.



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