Monday, June 24, 2024


 Curious is a funny word, don't you think?

English is a funny language. There are rules. But none of them really apply since it steals words from other languages and makes them it's bitch... fuck the rules.

No this isn't a post on grammar. I absolutely do not believe grammar is a static thing and therefore do with it as I please. I am southern. I write like we speak. So no, this is not a post on grammar. I will never write one of those. Don't like my grammar don't read my shit... that simple.

And it's not an Alice in Wonderland post either. Though, if we're being honest, that might be my favorite classic story, mostly for the art, because the story is a fucking drug hallucination. But damn, I love that art. Not the Disney mess. But I'll grab me a Disney Alice mug if I find one I like under the right circumstances.

No, I'm actually talking about this blog. This one you're reading this on. The one I abandoned for a paid website. The one I didn't want to come back to.

This blog... this one RIGHT HERE!

It's curious that since I've been back, and started putting effort into this blog, that the visits and page views are way up. Daily up. More than I ever saw on the website. 

Why is that?

I had this blog set to private for two or more years. I kept that website for four years and barely ever had visits. Very few people read my blog posts. I'd have maybe, on a good week, about a hundred visits, in the whole week. But here, a couple hundred a day. Posts are getting more views too. 

I have the old link attached to the book files published everywhere. I haven't started changing those yet because I don't have Word, or any other formatting software, at the moment.

So... what is it?

Where are all the views coming from, and why weren't they tracking over there?

Very curious.


Said the spider to the fly.

Wrong story.

Stay with your themes, please.

Ah, yes, the Alice theme...

We're all Mad Here!

Not that one... for the love of...

Curiouser and Curiouser!!!!

But the other one does kind of apply too.

Do you ever have days in which you want to sit around a table drinking "tea" and babbling about teapots and ravens and screaming off with her head randomly?

No? Just me then? But I don't really like tea. At least not hot tea. And whispers I really don't like iced tea either. Unless it's cut with strawberry lemonade, that is.



Image obtained from Pixabay

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