Sunday, June 23, 2024

Happy Sunday

And it's back to hot again.

Took the pets out for their morning lark in the backyard. Whoof. That's no for me. 
 So the teen's birthday was yesterday. Okay, the official date of their birth is June 22nd. But they were born at 11:45 pm on June 22nd. So technically they were 18 for a whole 15 minutes of their birthday. If only they'd held out for another 16 minutes they could have had the whole day... but my last baby is officially not a baby anymore. My third baby will be 29 in 4 days. My oldest 2 are 30 and 33.
I'm old.
Just really really old.
People my age should not be writing books about people younger than their kids. 
There, I said it. SIGHS!
Pitch forks are on sale at the Tractor Supply, I hear.
God, I don't mean like we shouldn't write books about young people. I mean, I saw a post on social media the other day about writing Gen Z and Alpha slang... and that's a no. If we're to the point of having blog posts about young people's slang then we are too old to be writing that slang. And honestly, I'm mostly meaning, writing sex books about people younger than the people I gave birth to. It's... weird.
I'll shut up now and just leave it at, I don't want to write books with sexual situations involving people younger than my children...
And get off my lawn!
So what else is there for me to discuss today? I've done the weather report. Disclosed my elderly status. Uh... the pets... got them covered. Hmm.
Ah... books. My books, not there's much to talk about. I'm still slowly putting books up on D2D to publish to Smashwords and a few smaller vendors that I can't get to on my own. I think I have 9 left to list, a couple because the formatting is not passing their standards that I'll get to later. The rest are because I'm slow and just not in an all-fired hurry to list books nobody gives a shit about. 
And that brings me to the next thing on my mind... River's Edge.
River's Edge was the very short story I wrote Halloween night 2022 and the last thing I finished writing. It was also the last book I uploaded to D2D yesterday. Which is why it's on my mind today. While I upload I cut and past the blurbs from the Amazon listing, instead of searching through the files to see if I still have the original blurb hiding amongst the dozens of files (I really should clean up my documents and get back-ups made since the dog ate the jump file that was my back-up) it's just easier... anyway... I noticed RE had a new review. Well, new if you consider last November new. I don't check reviews. I just don't need or want to know anymore. It's love or hate, never much in between. So I just don't. But I did and I have to ask...
If you read it, and got to the epilogue, and read the first paragraph and decided to quit because it was the opening paragraph repeated... uh, well, did you think I'd made a mistake or something and that was the end of the story? Or did you power through the repeat to the end and the twist?
Because if you stopped, I guess that explains the lack of interest.
So to spoil, it's a timeloop ghost story. The epilogue started again because it's where that character starts his loop each year... 
But well, I guess I didn't write the story I thought I did. 
Anyway... hoping you have a great day.
Will talk later.
I should go make a page for RE and 2PC shouldn't I?



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