Friday, August 2, 2024

As Per My Last....

 Yeah, I'm behind again. I'm always behind. Let's just operate on the fact that I will always be behind and go from there, shall we.

Okay, so, I have the Patreon, I have the Bookfunnel, I have a basic outline. I have a basic plan. I just need other people and the freaking weather to cooperate with me so I can execute the plan.

Yesterday, I'm pretty sure, I got heat stroke just from sitting in the car. It was 104 degrees on car dash thermometer. That was outside temp, in the shade of two oaks. Inside was probably 200 degrees. I forgot to remote start the car before I needed to leave the house. I'm not sure even that would have done any good. I'm not sure the AC did any good. By the time I got home I felt like I was going to vomit and like my skin was on fire. Then, the storm hit. In the south when we get extreme heat we sometimes get what we call pop up storms. They're born from the extreme heat. We lost power and internet for a while.

So that was the day I'd planned to kick off the Patreon and get things going.

Yeah, I didn't get to that before hell spawned around me. 

Anyway... I'm going to hold the going live until Monday. If we're not in the path of that storm brewing in the Caribbean, that is. I will make the Patreon live on Monday.

So, here's what I plan.

I'm writing a smutty Christmas Hallmark-esque novella. I plan roughly 40k words. Give or take. I have a basic outline. I have not named the two gentlemen. It will follow the Hallmark movie format. Grumpy city person... small town... sunshine local... a kid... a bakery/bookstore/florist.... something bad happens... Christmas is saved.... HEA!

Let's not make this rocket surgery okay. Just me trying to get back into writing without all the angst.

So, what's the Patreon Plan?

I'm going to release 4 installments of this story only, on the next 4 Fridays in August. Today doesn't count. 

There will be 3 levels of support.

Level 1 is the base level for $5. You will get all 4 installments as I write them. And you will get the finished final ebook version that you will have helped fund as soon as it's ready. Hopefully on or around November 1st.

Level 1 supporters will also have a mention on the Acknowledgements page in the published copy. And will have access to chat and discussion about the story as I write.

Level 2 is the swag level for $8. You will get all of Level 1 plus a mailing of swag type things like stickers and bookmarks. The additional cost is mostly for postage. 

And Level 3 will be $25. This level is specifically to help fund a print edition of the story. It's to help pay for the cover wrap and additional formatting. Supporters for this level will receive access to Level 1 & 2 and will receive the paperback, signed after it is published. 

This will be an August only campaign. All levels will be locked and removed on August 31st. And in September I'll start a new story with the same levels and perks. 

I'd like to consider the possibility of an audio book level. I would love to put future books out in audio. I just don't know how much it costs to fully fund one now. I wouldn't even know where to find a narrator. If I get that info it will probably be something like $50 and would include everything in the lower levels. I'd need at least $3,000, I think. Don't know. 

Publishing is expensive. Out of pocket for just an ebook is at least $500. At least. Editing can cost more depending on the editor and how many rounds. Covers cost between 100 and 500 depending on artist and well, just leave it at artist. Wrap covers are around 250 again, depending on the artist. Formatting, honestly I don't know. I haven't checked that in a while. I usually do my own ebook but I don't like to do print book formatting. 

By participating in this campaign you will be helping me fund one book. This is the only way I know how to get back into writing. If you're interested check back here on Monday, August 5, for Patreon and bookfunnel links. If I remember correctly, you have to have an account with bookfunnel to open the documents. It won't cost you, I've already paid for the subscription.

Hope to see you over on Patreon next week.

Thanks and as always,



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