Thursday, August 22, 2024

New Schedules Old Business

 Well, it's been a week. I know it's only Thursday (now), but it's been a very long week so far. As you may know, my youngest started college this week. Because we're only around 20 minutes from campus, and because they got a full ride and everything but on campus housing is covered, and they didn't want to leave their dog behind, Aubrey opted to live at home. And since we have one car and that car is needed during the day, I have been driving them to and from. 

It's been, well, I'm not going to say rough. It's not. One major delay for the 8 o'clock class yesterday as all roads between here and the school were at a standstill. Yes, I did change routes a couple of times. The great thing about being a pizza delivery driver in a past life in the area around the school, is that I know all the side streets, or lack there of. I tried to get around. We ended up being ten minutes late for that class. So they changed that class to a later start time. That should fix the commute issues. The rest is going from being a night person to a day person for me. And with the husband still working night shift it's hard to get to bed before a two in the morning. That's why I don't try. I keep his schedule because I really have no choice. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a morning person. I've never been a morning person. I hate mornings. I like the silence of the night. I like that the only alone time I get is after midnight before he gets home. But, needs must. There are no buses or public transportation out here in the county. So, this is the new schedule. I drive the kid to school, the husband sleeps. I go back to get the kid. The husband... does what he does. I don't ask anymore. I don't care. 

It is what it is.

And I will use that time to do the things I need to do.

It is what it is.

I'm okay with it.

But damn, this lack of sleep and change of schedule really does feel like I've been hit by a bus. 

I will get used to it. IF I CAN GET MY ASS IN BED BEFORE MIDNIGHT! And that's a me problem. Just... UGH

But, I've gotten more done the past three mornings while trying to push through without going back to bed, than I usually get done in the afternoons.

Not sure if I like that little side effect. But again. It is what it is.

I will figure it out.

So, that's the new part, now to the old business part.

No it's not about the Patreon thing. I'm still hoping to get that going next week. If I can get my brain to adjust to the schedule change I should be able to get at least the first two parts available on time. Part three was handwritten while I didn't have WORD and I have to type that. Then I have to end it. Of course, you know me, I can't keep a story under 90 thousand words to save my life anymore. But I'm going to try to pull this one in at 50k. Like I said, I'm going to do three tiers. A five dollar tier for just the ebook segments, and then a full copy of the finished published version. A swag level with mailed things like bookmarks, postcards, and stickers, maybe a handmade item, we'll see. I plan to do that as a poll to pick a monthly design. And the third tier will be to help fund a print version. That tier will be 30 dollars and will include everything plus the published print, signed and shipped, unfortunately that will be limited to US addresses due to shipping costs.

Like I said, I'm hoping to fund the publishing fees doing it this way. I need about six hundred for cover and edits for just the e-book and a couple to three hundred more for wrap cover and formatting for the print book. I know I don't have a large audience anymore, even if I don't make enough I'll figure out how to get the print out.

I will figure it out has always been my motto. Because I don't have anyone who offers to take anything off my plate.

So, the old business thing. 


I'm waiting for Kobo to post July Kobo Plus numbers. I really hate that they still haven't figured out how to do a real time accounting for that. I don't trust the correctness of Kindle Unlimited but it's in real time and not a month later. So there is that.

Depending on last month's KP numbers I will likely be pulling books from wide release and putting them back into Kindle Unlimited. I don't want to, but a few page reads on KU is better than nothing on the other sites... so again... Yeah. BIG BIG SIGHS

I won't be pulling all of them. I have about ten books that never have a single page read or sale. I'm just going to leave them wide. I have books that do better in KU than Kobo and I have books that do better on Kobo than Amazon. And that's what will determine who goes where.

No I don't like it. But it is what it is.

When the Kobo Plus invoice posts next week I'll make the decision as to which books go to KU and which stay. I can tell you that Beyond Complicated and the football books will most likely go. They don't sell well in non-US zones. Under a Crescent Moon and The Adventure INK books will stay wide. The rest will be determined next week. I won't go more than half ever again. So, no more than 14 titles will go back on KU. I just need to figure out which 14 did well enough there to bother with and which books should just be unpublished and forgotten.

Again, it is what it is. I wish it was different. It isn't. I don't know how to make it different. So... 




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