Thursday, September 12, 2024


 Don't mind me, just post tropical storm hangover.

It's been a long time since we've had something tropical crawl up from the gulf. We, fortunately, did not get the hurricane part of the hurricane, but we did get the feeder bands. It was... meh... I guess. When you've been through Ivan and Katrina they all tend to pale in comparison. 

The new dog, Nico, however, wasn't as blasé about it all. Bubba didn't like the weird rain and wouldn't leave the house. He's not afraid of a little rain. And that's what it was most of yesterday, just a little rain, sometimes heavy but mostly just a constant drizzle. Nothing we haven't had before in his two years with us. But something about this rain stopped him cold. He noped out of all outside offers. Ebil and Dawg went out, and sat on the porch to watch it rain. They seemed to enjoy the cool weather. Nico did not like that either. He thinks he's the boss and protector of his elder siblings. He's really just a scardy cat... er, dog. 

Now I'm tired, with post low pressure sinus issues and not much sleep because the worst of it chose to come through last night and early this morning and I still had to get up at 8 to take Aubrey to class. 


Just BLARGH! I'm hungry, I need a nap. And after an hour of trying to get on and then off a college campus to get my kid after their last class with every exit being closed to non-football traffic I'm about ready to scream. If only I drank. I'd love a double rum strawberry daiquiri right now.

Shut up... don't judge my liquor choices. 

Instead, I'm making grits in the instant pot, going to fry some eggs over easy and have bacon and sliced tomatoes for supper. 

And figure out how to start this mess over again in the morning.



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